
Faith Community Hospital Completes Replacement Hospital

  November 5, 2015

Faith Community Hospital recently completed a $28 million, 86,000- square-foot replacement hospital in Jacksboro, Texas – population 4,511 – tripling the capacity of the existing hospital.

The expanded program within the new Faith Community Hospital includes a walk-in community clinic, free-standing emergency (EMS) facility, and larger physical and cardiovascular therapy departments. New services include obstetrics and on-site mammograms. Faith Community Hospital will also be the first hospital in Texas to use geothermal heating and cooling systems. O’Connell Robertson is the architect and Hoar Construction is the construction manager.

"This project is a great example of how the design and construction process should work," Jeff Light, Hoar Construction project executive said. “Early collaboration, thoughtful planning, and trust allowed Faith, O’Connell Robertson, and Hoar to prevent major issues and to effectively deal with minor issues as they arose. I'm proud of how this group of individual companies became one team.”

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