
OSHA Unveils New Pandemic Flu Guidance for Health Care

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has unveiled new safety and health guidance that are designed to help health care workers and their employers prepare for a possible influenza pandemic.

By CP Editorial Staff  

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has unveiled new safety and health guidance that are designed to help health care workers and their employers prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. The guidelines, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guidance for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employers, are available at www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA_pandemic_health.pdf .

A comprehensive resource for health care planners and practitioners, the new guidance offers information and tools to assist the industry in preparing for and responding to an influenza pandemic. It includes:

* technical information on infection control and industrial hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infection in health care settings
* workplace preparations and planning issues
* OSHA standards that have special importance to pandemic preparedness planners and responders in the industry.

Specifically, the guidance provides a range of information and tools helpful to pandemic planners, including internet resources, communication tools, sample infection control programs, and self-triage and home care resources. It also offers how-to advice on diagnosis and treatment of staff during a pandemic, developing planning and supply checklists, and risk communication.

Should a pandemic occur, OSHA will furnish up-to-date information and guidance to the public through its web site, www.pandemicflu.gov .

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  posted on 5/22/2007   Article Use Policy

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