
Winter Warning: 10 Tips to Prepare Facilities for Cold, Snow

  January 18, 2017

By Dave Lubach

Maintenance and engineering managers in the snowbelt regions of the country are approaching that time of year when they pay as much attention to the forecast as they do to other duties at their institutional and commercial facilities.

Preparation is important for managers as the temperatures start to drop. WaterSignal, a green company focused on water conservation, offers managers a winter checklist for managers to consider as the weather turns.

The company encourages managers to remember to disconnect outdoor drain and garden hose connections as well as wrap water lines in commercial insulation to protect lines from areas of extreme cold.

For eight other maintenance tips managers must consider, click here.

This Quick Read was submitted by Dave Lubach, Associate Editor of Facility Maintenance Decisions, dave.lubach@tradepressmedia.com.


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