
Snow plow on parking lotCombatting snow and ice management often involves a combination of sustainable anti-icing pretreatment and smart equipment deployment

Sustainable Deicer Use: A Sample Policy

Focusing on bond prevention, using deicer chemicals and implementing best practices can keep surfaces clear

By Brian K. Birch  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Sustainable Snow and Ice StrategiesPt. 2: Sustainable Deicer Strategies for Snow and Ice ManagementPt. 3: Snow and Ice Strategies: Assessing Needs and ResourcesPt. 4: This Page

Every deicer has a different effective range of use, side effects, and potential dangers or challenges tied to environment, supply, storage and other factors. A simplified sample strategy for sustainable use of deicers and methods that prioritizes bond prevention could look like this:

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  posted on 10/11/2019   Article Use Policy

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