
Organizations Willing to Pay a Premium for Green Real Estate, Survey Finds

In another sign that green real estate is increasingly popular, a recent survey revealed that 64 percent of respondents from the Asia-Pacific region are prepared to pay a premium for greener real estate.

By CleanLink Editorial Staff  

In another sign that green real estate is increasingly popular, a recent survey revealed that 64 percent of respondents from the Asia-Pacific region are prepared to pay a premium for greener real estate.

Although actual adoption rates of sustainable real estate solutions across the region is low, the study conducted by Jones Lang LaSalle at an international meeting of over 300 corporate realty professionals at the CoreNet Global Asia Summit, indicates that sustainability as an issue for the commercial property sector is clearly on the rise.

The report showed that of those surveyed, 93 percent of respondents expressed a notable increase in awareness regarding sustainable buildings over the last three years, with 62 percent expressing that such growth in associated environmental, economic and social awareness had been significant.

In addition, the findings reflect that there is strong support amongst organizations throughout the region for increased sustainable real estate activity as the business value of demonstrating corporate environmental responsibility is being recognized.

Nearly half of the survey's respondents stated that sustainability was a critical issue for their organizations, with 42 percent indicating that environmental and social measures are already being embraced as part of their property considerations.

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  posted on 4/27/2007   Article Use Policy

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