
National Water Use Benchmarks Provide Key Insight For Efficiency Efforts

National Water Use Benchmarks Provide Key Insight For Efficiency Efforts

Studies from the National Water Foundation and data from CBECS show average water use for a variety of facility types.

By H.W. (Bill) Hoffman  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: How To Use New Technology To Benchmark Water UsePt. 2: Location, Building Type Impact Water UsePt. 3: This Page

The most recent national study of benchmarking, “Methodology for Evaluating Water Use in the Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Sectors,” was published by the Water Research Foundation. It compares denominators (gallons per square feet per year, gallons per day per employee, gallons per room, etc.) for similar facility types for a number of cities across the United States.

Based on data from the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), this chart shows the 25th percentile, median, and 75th percentile water use per square foot per year for various types of commercial and institutional facilities.

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How To Use New Technology To Benchmark Water Use

Location, Building Type Impact Water Use

National Water Use Benchmarks Provide Key Insight For Efficiency Efforts

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  posted on 9/11/2017   Article Use Policy

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