
Manufacturing CEOs Call for Cap on Pollution

The CEOs of two American manufacturing companies are calling on Congress to drive economic growth with a cap on global warming pollution through a national advertising campaign.

The CEOs of two American manufacturing companies are calling on Congress to drive economic growth with a cap on global warming pollution through a national advertising campaign.

The ad, sponsored by Environmental Defense Action Fund, features CEOs Robert Lane of Deere & Co. and Alexander M. “Sandy” Cutler of Eaton Corp., along with Frank Knapp, president of the 5,000-member South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce.

The ad implies that solving climate change is an opportunity to jumpstart the U.S. economy, and that America can own the energy technologies that will power the 21st Century if Congress acts quickly. Amid a heated national debate over job losses, the business leaders point to the job-creating power of a national cap on global warming pollution.

The ad campaign launches as Congress begins to look again at the climate change debate: the Senate could soon vote on the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act, which would substantially reduce U.S. emissions through an emissions cap and trade system. The House is expected to begin debating a similar plan next month, increasing the odds that Congress will enact a cap this year.

"We joined this effort because green is not only good for the environment, it's also good business," says Sandy Cutler, chairman and chief executive officer of Eaton. "This ad tells the real story about climate change: American companies can lead the way and win the race for new technologies and the jobs that come with them if Congress acts now."

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  posted on 3/18/2008   Article Use Policy

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