
ICC Begins Development Of Green Building Code

Developing a Green Building Code for traditional and high-performance commercial buildings to provide a new regulatory framework built with leading recognized rating systems in mind is the goal of a new project from the International Code Council.

Developing a Green Building Code for traditional and high-performance commercial buildings to provide a new regulatory framework built with leading recognized rating systems in mind is the goal of a new project from the International Code Council.
The “Green Building Code Development Project” will provide criteria to drive green building into everyday practice, according to the Code Council.
“It has become clear to us that to advance the goal of achieving more sustainable building performance, some regulatory framework is needed for areas where market forces are not enough,” says Richard Weiland, Code Council CEO.

The code likely will address energy efficiency (including solar and other advanced technologies), water use efficiency, materials and resource use conservation, indoor environmental quality and overall building impact on the environment.
An initial planning session to discuss the scope of the project was held on April 22 in Chicago with experts in the area of green building science. Feedback for the May 4 Code Council Board of Directors meeting regarding this project is encouraged and requested, ICC says.

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  posted on 4/23/2009   Article Use Policy

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