
Green Certifications Support Green Building Rating Systems

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Third-Party Green Certifications Still a Critical Part of Product SelectionPt. 2: Stringent and Science-Based Third-Party Certifications Pt. 3: This PagePt. 4: Advances in Product Standards and Green Certifications

How do individual product standards and certifications fit into the more holistic full-building green rating systems, like LEED?

They are perfect fits. Instead of manufacturers, builders, facility operators trying to understand pages upon pages of complex calculations and technical detail, the experts who develop the criteria within rating systems do the deciphering and reference the relevant standards or certifications. It is almost as if the development and certification organization has done the pre-sifting of products for you. 

Answers provided by Josh Jacobs, Technical Information and Public Affairs Manager, UL Environment.

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  posted on 9/24/2014   Article Use Policy

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