
Green Guide for Health Care Announces New Technical Briefs

A new series of technical briefs designed to assist facility executives in achieving Green Guide for Health Care Version 2.2 Prerequisites and Credits is scheduled to be published on the Green Guide's Web site June 15, Green Guide has announced.

By CP Editorial Staff  

A new series of technical briefs designed to assist facility executives in achieving Green Guide for Health Care Version 2.2 Prerequisites and Credits is scheduled to be published on the Green Guide's Web site June 15, Green Guide has announced.

The papers will be written by  by practitioners with diverse expertise, provide in-depth information related to credits unique to the Green Guide, along with strategies and case studies, according to Green Guide.

The technical papers to be published are:

Brownfield Redevelopment (GGHC v2.2 Sustainable Sites Credit 3).

Places of Respite (GGHC v2.2 Sustainable Sites Credit 9).

Reducing Potable Water Use (GGHC v2.2 Water Efficiency Prerequisite 1 and Credit 2, Water Conservation Credits 2 & 3).

Low-Impact Construction Practices (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credit 2).

PBT Elimination (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credit 4).

Furniture & Medical Furnishings (GGHC v2.2 Materials & Resources Credit 5 and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Credit 5).

Low-Emitting Materials (GGHC v2.2 Environmental Quality Credit 4).

Indoor/Outdoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control (GGHC v2.2 Environmental Quality Credit 5).

Acoustic Environment (GGHC v2.2 Environmental Quality Credit 9).

Pharmaceutical Management (GGHC v2.2 Chemical Management Credit 3).

Food Purchasing Policy (GGHC v2.2 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Credit 1).

Toxic Reduction through Environmentally Preferable Purchasing: Mercury, DEHP, Latex (GGHC v2.2 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Credit 4).

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  posted on 6/6/2007   Article Use Policy

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