
INFOGRAPHIC: How Facilities Use Water

A month's worth of water use at an average facility can fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: More Water Shortages Mean FMs Must Focus on Water EfficiencyPt. 2: Cities Face Water Shortages, But FMs Have Savings Options Pt. 3: How Leaks Quickly Squander Water Efficiency EffortsPt. 4: Facility Managers Must Take Responsibility for Water QualityPt. 5: This Page

Not surprisingly, restrooms and cooling use lead the way, combining for about 65 percent of a facility's average water use. So it's easy to see how concentrating on cooling tower makeup and low-flow fixtures can make a sizable dent in a facility's water use. 


Source: Sources: EPA WaterSense, 2012 CBECS, Infographic by Building Operating Management/www.facilitiesnet.com/bom

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  posted on 4/3/2017   Article Use Policy

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