
Underwater Garages Serve as Alternative for Bike Storage

City of Amsterdam gets creative to solve bicycle parking issue.   February 7, 2023

By Dave Lubach, Managing Editor

In the U.S., when facility managers talk about the lack of parking spaces in their facilities or municipalities, the conversation almost always focuses on vehicles. 

In the city of Amsterdam, the concern is centered on where to park all the bicycles. 

Bikes are a big thing in the Dutch capital, so much so that finding room to park them while Amsterdammers go about their business is a challenge. The demand to find a space is great. 

To help alleviate the problem, the city went to creative lengths and built two underwater bike sheds near the city’s center that can accommodate 11,000 bikes to free up street space at the street level. 

According to an article in Designboom, the two stations are ready to open. One is built under a body of water named Open Havenfront and can house up to 7,000 bikes. Another bike garage is located at the back of Central Station and can accommodate 4,000 bikes. The bike garages connect with another underground parking garage that connects to the Metro Hall and Central Station. 

Rows and rows of bike racks make up the garages, each listed by numbered rows on columns so that riders can locate their bikes easily. 

Even though the garages have only been open a few days, additional space at the street level has opened significantly for more pedestrians and given the downtown a more appealing look aesthetically as bike racks disappear. Safety for pedestrians and bike riders has improved as wider paths of navigation have been created. 

Dave Lubach is managing editor of the Facilities Market. 


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