Join fnPrime today and get access to the Know Before You Buy: Boilers Guide, a one-of-a-kind resource for facilities management professionals.
This Buyers guide offers the latest advice, pitfalls to avoid, and in-depth knowledge of key boiler features worth paying for. But an fnPrime membership provides so much more, including 24/7 access to FM tools and materials to make your job easier, as well as VIP treatment and discounts when partaking in FM conferences and events year-round.
A $2,900 value for only $199 annually
Become a MemberAdditional fnPrime Membership Benefits Include:
Unlimited access to 45+ educational videos
4 webcasts to host your own lunch and learn
7 eBooks on today's top challenges and trends including FM salaries, hurricane preparedness and budgets
$169 discount on the ProFM Credential Program
VIP treatment and discounts at important FM conferences and events year round
The hundreds of dollars you'll save on your next boiler purchase will more than pay for your membership!