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The Facilities Department Is Not a Profit Center – But Can It Be?

Watch this session from NFMT Remix that took place in Orlando

If facility managers have been in the industry long enough, they have likely heard numerous doozies like: “the facilities department is not a profit center,” “facilities is a necessary evil,” and “you are just overhead.”

While the facilities department does not necessarily manufacture the widgets or process the transactions of the organization, it does impact how well and how fast revenue generating functions occur.

Management and even facility staff typically label the department as a cost center and not an enabler of profit, however this session by John Rimer, president FM360 Consulting and Building Operating Management Facility Influencer, aims to identify steps for quantifying, tracking, and communicating the facility department’s positive impact to revenue generation.

Rimer will cover four key aspects: quantifying value, executing and delivering on that value, communicating the value and marketing and selling your worth.

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