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Green Building at Scale: Accelerating Portfolio-Wide Action

Learn how the U.S. Green Building Council and LEED are helping entire cityscapes and Class B and C offices achieve sustainability in this NFMT Baltimore session

The U.S. Green Building Council, headquartered in Washington D.C., operates globally and has a significant impact on the green building industry through its LEED credential system and certification processes. The USGBC has certified more than 190,000 projects across 190 countries, accounting for 2.2 million square feet certified daily. This massive outreach underscores the widespread adoption of LEED, making it the most used rating system worldwide.

Despite these achievements, the existing certified projects represent only a small fraction of the global building environment. This realization is driving USGBC to expand its influence and operations to tackle broader environmental challenges such as climate change, resource, and water use, and enhancing the health of building occupants.

In this presentation from NFMT Baltimore, Ryan Snow, the USGBC's Regional Director in the South, introduced a new initiative aimed at broadening USGBC’s impact beyond high-profile buildings to include entire city landscapes and lesser-focused building types like Class B and C office spaces, affordable housing, and older buildings that haven't been prioritized for significant capital improvements. This includes leveraging the LEED for Cities program, which has already seen Baltimore achieve a Gold certification, to apply green building standards on a larger scale.

The USGBC has developed new tools and frameworks to assist organizations at different stages of their sustainability journey, from those just starting to those looking to deepen their existing commitments. This involves creating scalable solutions that can adapt to various types of buildings and organizational needs, thus promoting a broader implementation of sustainable practices.

Ongoing innovation and adaptation in green building standards is critical to meet today's challenges. The forthcoming LEED version 5 is a key step towards a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to sustainability that integrates the latest market needs and environmental priorities.

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