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Funding Smart Energy Investments

Learn how to comply with Building Energy Performance Standards and take advantage of funding incentives in this NFMT Baltimore session

This presentation from NFMT Baltimore provides a comprehensive overview of the current landscape and future potential of sustainable and green buildings, focusing on energy efficiency and the economic benefits associated with making buildings more sustainable.

The discussion features a panel of industry experts:

- Tom Dietsche, Senior Program Manager, PHI

- Mike C. Cain, Managing Director, Era Building Solutions

-Chet Knaup, President, Spectrum Energy LLC

Maryland serves as a case study for discussing state and local government roles in promoting energy efficiency through incentive programs. Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), like the one in Maryland, are both a regulatory requirement and an opportunity for building owners to increase their property's value and efficiency. Energy use benchmarking is the first step in complying with these standards, which helps owners and managers optimize energy usage and prepare for future regulatory requirements.

There are many direct benefits of energy-efficient buildings, such as reduced operational and maintenance costs, improved net operating income, and enhanced asset value. These benefits are not only financial but also contribute to occupant well-being and environmental sustainability. Studies show that buildings with certifications in well-being metrics can command significantly higher lease rates than those without.

There are various financial incentives and financing options to reduce initial investment and maximize returns, making a strong case for investing in energy-efficient projects. Some examples covered in the presentation include tax incentives, utility company rebates, and government grants.

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