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NFMT BALTIMORE 2022 SESSION CEU   Not a fnPrime member? Join for less than $0.55 a day Purchase Now »

Everything Old Is New Again: Protocol Changes in the FM Work Environment

Watch this session from the NFMT conference that took place in March 2022 in Baltimore

After what seemed like an interminable hiatus, some companies have activated the return of employees to the office. Where this has been instituted, companies have established a hybrid work schedule where some employees come into the office, some work remotely and some do both.

This hybrid mix of work appears to be the new frontier for the immediate future. Many employees eagerly awaited the returned to their offices, but feedback indicates that a large percentage of hybrid workers are finding their former workplace is not the way they remember it. Many things have changed, and the office isn’t the office anymore. Facility management organizations are finding their own staff and their customers are having a hard time adjusting to the new world of work.

Most office environments bear little or no resemblance to the one employees left behind when they started working remotely, which means that facility management organizations must retool many of the former protocols that used to work well. This session explores the practices associated with the hybrid work environment and how facility managers can make the transition less stressful for themselves and those they serve.

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