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NFMT 2023 CEU   Not a fnPrime member? Join for less than $0.55 a day Purchase Now »

Empowering Facilities With Data-Driven, Smart Plumbing Products

Watch this session from the NFMT conference that took place in March 2023 in Baltimore

The COVID-19 pandemic has motivated higher education institutions, municipalities, investors, property owners and tenants to increase their focus on ESG and sustainability. In the meantime, facility managers continue to feel the pressure from all sides as they are asked to identify solutions that meet these challenges, with limited on-site staff and aging buildings.

Finish plumbing and drinking water are two untapped areas of opportunity that can help facility managers meet these objectives.

This session provides examples to educate facility managers on smart plumbing solutions and new ways data can be adopted to empower insights and time-saving improvements.

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