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NFMT REMIX 2021 SESSION   Not a fnPrime member? Join for less than $0.55 a day Purchase Now »

Dealing with Pandemic Pathogens And Other Infectious Agents Where People Live, Work And Gather

Watch this session from the NFMT Remix trade show that took place in November of 2021 in Orlando Florida

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Reducing the transmission of infectious diseases in public settings can be daunting, especially where virulent pathogens are concerned. This presentation will help to identify where to disinfect, how to disinfect, when to disinfect, and what to use, based on evidence-based studies.

Dr. Charles Gerba, internationally-recognized microbiologist, has studied the spread of pathogens in school settings, offices, hotels and other types of facilities as well as in aircraft and other types of public transportation. He identifies concerns, addresses misunderstandings about disinfection, suggests strategies, how to choose and use appropriate disinfection products, and provides guidance on helping others understand the approaches that work best.

He addresses COVID and other pathogens of concerns and gives guidance on handling emerging pathogens where a “soap and water” approach for disinfection may not achieve desired results.

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