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Layman's Perspective on a Building Project

Hear from a construction project manager with limited field experience on how he overcame complex challenges during this NFMT Baltimore session

This presentation by Joseph Bonaccorsi, Construction Project Manager for Eurofins Advantar Laboratories, is a first-hand account of the experiences and challenges of a construction project manager based in San Diego, California.

So, what is a layman? It's someone without specialized knowledge in construction but with experience in process improvement, particularly in laboratory operations. In this case, Bonaccorsi has a background in biology and chemistry, and he transitioned from working in restaurants and retail to laboratory operations, driven by his interest in process improvement and efficiency.

The journey demonstrates the similarities between lean project management and construction projects. Both emphasize the importance of collaboration, stakeholder management, and attention to detail.

By being able to draw from his experience in lean methodology, Bonaccorsi can better understand the needs of the end-users, in this case, the scientists working in the laboratories.

In addition to discussing his role in the construction project, Bonaccorsi introduces the concept of aquascaping, drawing parallels between designing laboratory spaces and arranging aquatic environments. Not dissimilar to construction, this process emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of the inhabitants and the technical requirements involved in creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Those new to facility management, or veterans with inexperienced staff members, will appreciate hearing this journey of someone with limited prior experience in the field and how he was able to overcome challenges in a complex project by remaining adaptable, willing to collaborate and paying attention to small details.

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