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Improving Employee Engagement And Team Morale

This overlooked, but critical, aspect of the facility manager’s role can reap long-lasting benefits

Make sure the building feels comfortable, the lights stay on, and the grounds are pristine. And oh, by the way, do it efficiently and under budget.

Facility managers and maintenance and engineering managers know their list of priorities is long and seems to grow longer every day as technology develops, and environmental standards and regulations change.

But there's another aspect to the position that managers must consider in addition to balancing budgets and making sure the HVAC and plumbing systems are operating as they should — boosting employee engagement and improving staff morale.

Engagement and improving morale are aspects of the job that some may not think of in the FM playbook. A manager who ascended to the position who started his or her career by turning wrenches or maintaining boilers probably gave little thought their career path would eventually include trying to engage employees.

However, keeping good employees engaged in their jobs is an important part of being in facility management today. Making technicians, middle managers, and lower-level employees feel valued plays a vital role in a department's success. The rewards are long-lasting and beneficial to everyone involved.

“Once you get employees on a team engaged? That's a competitive advantage no one can touch,” says Brian Braudis, a certified coach with The Braudis Group. “No one can replicate that. It's a competitive advantage that you can't buy.”

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