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Ask the Expert: Deferred Maintenance Solutions

On April 11, get help from Facility Influencer John Rimer in this interactive discussion

There is never enough money to address every facility asset need. And so each year, facility managers have no choice but to defer billions of dollars of maintenance repairs.

Although some of this deferred maintenance can withstand to wait a short time, studies show that, on average, for every dollar saved by deferring maintenance this year, there will be a four-dollar increased in future capital costs.

If these problems sound like your organization, be sure to join our next Ask the Expert session on April 11 at 1 p.m., Eastern.

John Rimer will be on hand to discuss "Deferred Maintenance Solutions." Rimer is the president and senior consultant of FMD 360 LLC, as well as a Building Operating Management Facility Influencer.

From implementing condition-based maintenance to capital planning strategies, learn the best ways to combat ongoing deferred maintenance.

Be sure to bring your questions and get the help you need.

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