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Facility Management Departments Need To Change

‘That’s How We’ve Always Done It’ is not an acceptable answer

The first step in resolving a problem is acknowledging one exists. Take a step back and evaluate the current state of your respective facility management program. Ask the tough questions: “Where are we going?” “How are we doing at getting there?” “Are we stuck, mired in ambivalence or firefighting?” Or “Are we burdened by legacy systems, processes, or mindsets?”

Demands upon the facility industry are ever-changing, continually pressuring your department. If you do not change and rise to meet these requirements, your organization will stumble and continue to struggle.

You must continually advance your program. Status quo is not acceptable. There is a better way — there is always a better way. Failure to change is a detriment to your department, organization, and the industry. It is imperative that you shirk the limiting mindset of “That’s How We’ve Always Done It.” Leave the legacy behind and move forward.

Now that you have completed your introspection and convinced yourself that change is necessary, the next burgeoning question is “Where to start?” The simple answer is to begin with the end in mind. Set a vision for the future.

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