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The Only Maintenance Meeting You’ll Need to Have

In 2 minutes, learn how to have the most productive start to your day

The Only Maintenance Meeting You’ll Need to Have

For most organizations, the biggest pain point is unplanned downtime and emergency maintenance. Reactive maintenance typically costs 3 to 4 times more than planned maintenance.

When facility departments react to problems rather than prevent them, they not only spend money, but they also waste time. The average maintenance operation experiences at least 30 percent waste each year. Consider that nearly 20 percent of a technician's time is spent looking for tools and parts, and that a quarter of the day is spent walking to a from the job site. It’s easy to see how fast waste can pile up.

Better planning can help maintenance departments spend their time wisely. In this 2-minute video, industry expert Andy Gager describes the most important meeting maintenance teams should conduct every day. Staff members will learn the safety concerns of yesterday, the plans for today and what to expect tomorrow. And the best part? The meeting will last less than 15 minutes. Very quickly, departments can get situated for the day and not waste a minute.

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