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6 Challenges of Hybrid Working Environments

Facility managers returning on-site need to renew their business etiquette in the workplace


Print and online articles focus on the return of the workforce to the new hybrid work environment. Some workers will work from remote sites while others return to their on-site offices. Another segment of the workforce will split their work week into on-site and remote office time. This sounds like an ideal solution, but further examination reveals there is a mixed reaction to the hybrid workplace concept.

How workers react to the hybrid work environment depends on their perspective about the positives and negatives of remote versus on-site work. This disparity in perspective caused the CEO of Morgan Stanley to send a stern message to workers who are based in New York but have been working remotely across the country. He reminded them that if they want to retain their New York salaries they better be prepared to return to New York when they are called back to their on-site office. The CEO deemed this warning necessary because of mounting backlash from remote staff who say they are adequately performing their jobs and do not want to return to a New York office building. They feel they should continue to be paid their current salaries regardless of where they are working.

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