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6 Ways To Boost Building Envelope Performance

Improve performance and reduce costs with a range of technologies in use

graphic - 6 ways to boost building envelope performance

Advances in building technology, construction techniques, and operating strategies are helping building owners to achieve efficiencies in energy and water use that were out of reach even in the recent past. Some of these advances are entirely new, while others are improvements on existing technologies. The benefit of these advances does not stop with improved operating efficiencies. Owners are finding that their use is resulting in improved occupant comfort and productivity.

These advances — which form the foundation for today’s high-performance buildings — touch almost every element in building operations, including the building envelope. High-performance building envelopes, like their conventional design counterparts, protect the building and its occupants from the elements.

But they can do more. They can respond to changes in interior and exterior conditions. They can provide levels of fresh air to building occupants based on occupancy levels. They can harvest solar energy. They can harvest and put to use rainwater. And they can perform all of these activities through a combination of active and passive strategies.

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Operational Efficiency