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University of Missouri-Kansas City

CATEGORY: Financial Management



As most educational facilities have experienced over the last several years, the University Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) has faced major budget challenges this year.

UMKC’s Energy Management Team successfully implemented several energy savings projects aimed at putting a dent in significantly reducing utility consumption.

The team completed upgrades to HVAC control systems and installation of pressure independent flow control valves in several buildings. Additionally, energy saving window film was installed in three campus buildings.

Sewer Allowance Credit (SAC) meters were installed across campus allowing us to reduce our sewage fees for chemically treated water in cooling towers, etc.

A new trash and recycle hauling contract was negotiated that will allow UMKC to save money as more is recycled and trash is reduced.

UMKC takes recycling seriously as proven by our second place finish in the 2016 National Recycle Mania competition.

We also started composting of restroom paper towels this year contributing to our utility cost reduction.

Finally, a number of LED lighting retrofit installations were completed including two major parking garages.

The savings realized allowed our team to reduce our next year’s $6.5 million utility budget by $1 million. This meant that the department saved itself from other budget cuts and a possible reduction in force.

The team also took advantage of some aggressive utility rebates this year that resulted netted $1.3 million from local electric, gas and water utility providers.

UMKC’s Energy Management Team should be proud of its’ $2.3 million improvement to UMKC’s overall budget this past year.

It’s a great team and I am proud to be a part of it!

In-house Participants

David Day, Construction Manager


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