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When You're Faced With Litigation

By Lewis Migliore

You should try to avoid a flooring dispute that results in litigation at all costs and strive to work out a reasonable resolution to the problem and complaint.  The elusive word here is reasonable because when an end user feels they have been damaged to a point that they want a pound of flesh there may be no reasoning.  If this is the case and the parties involved become principled then filing a law suit serves to free up the log jam.

 “A fat lawsuit is never as smart as a lean compromise”  If You Want the Rainbow…You Gotta Put up with the Rain.

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The Commercial Flooring Report is provided by Lewis Migliore, president of LGM and Associates, which offers technical flooring services, including help or guidance with a new flooring project or a failure on an existing floor. Contact him at lgmtcs@optilink.us.

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posted on 2/28/2017