
Corrections Issued to Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems Code

  October 20, 2015

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has issued an errata on NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. Errata 2001-15-1, references various sections of the 2015 edition. An errata is a correction issued to an NFPA standard.

The errata covers the following corrections:

• Corrects distribution curve Figure A.

• Inserts a missing equation for C., and corrects the numerator in the equation regarding determining the lower leak fraction.

• Inserts the right equation for a calculation for extinguishants that are lighter than air. (C.

• Inserts a missing equation for the visualization or relief vent calculation. (C.2.8.2)

The majority of the changes are listed as production errors. The errata was issued on October 5, 2015 and can be found in full here.

NFPA notes that electronic products and pamphlets of the standard may already have this errata incorporated.

NFPA also issued an errata on NFPA 30B, Code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products, on the same day. That document can be found here.

For an article on other recent changes to fire codes, click here.


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