Showcase: Fire Safety

Fire Protection Fluid
3M Fire Protection Products
A halon replacement with zero ozone depletion potential, a global warming potential of one... more»

Audible Strobe Appliances
Cooper Notification
Line of notification appliances includes strobes, horns and horn strobes with a sleek, modern design... more»

Tracker T2000
Harrington Signal Inc.
The Tracker T2000 control panel is designed for small- to medium-size businesses... more»
Synova FC330A
Siemens Building Technologies Inc.
Addressable control panels can be expanded up to four loops with 128 devices per loop or four stubs... more»

Stopper II
Safety Technology International Inc. (STI)
Cover is designed to help stop false fire alarms without restricting legitimate alarms... more»

Fire-Rated Cable
Draka Cableteq
Lifeline fire protection cable is designed to provide two-hour protection against fire and water... more»

IP Communicator
Notifier by Honeywell
The company’s IP Communicator uses the Internet to transmit fire alarm signals quickly and securely... more»
TrueAlert text messaging appliance is an electronic readerboard with a two-line LED display that... more»
Dupont Fire Extinguishants
A clean agent replacement for Halon 1301 designed for total flooding and inerting applications... more»

Video smoke detection system is designed to detect smoke in large, voluminous areas and... more»

Stairway Evacuation System
Designed so that an untrained operator can unfold the chair, secure the person requiring assistance and... more»
Acclimate 2251TMB
System Sensor
Photoelectric smoke detector uses on-board software to combine the signals from the thermal and photo elements... more»
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