
What Would Women in FM Wish to Tell Their Co-workers

FacilitiesNet wants to know what women in FM wish they could tell their coworkers. Answer our polling question to participate   June 6, 2023

During the Women in FM event at NFMT Baltimore, a man in the audience asked the attendees in the room what they wished they could tell their male colleagues about being a woman in facilities management. Groans and laughter filled the room while women waited to give some insight on what they would say.

“I could talk all day about this,” said one attendee.

“I am not your sweetheart,” said another.

Others just reiterated how much they wanted to be respected by their male co-workers as they do the same job as them every day.

Now, FacilitiesNet is opening the floor for more women to speak their truth. Fill out the form below to let us know what you wish you could tell your male co-workers. We won’t publish your name or your facility, we just simply relay the message.


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