
Old school building

Old School: Renovation Reclaims Building

  August 23, 2018

By Ryan Berlin

A growing number of organizations are facing the reality that they have grown too large. As their facilities age, the related maintenance costs mount, and maintenance and engineering managers realize that some institutional and commercial facilities — often unused or underused — are draining away valuable resources. Increasingly, their response is to shrink the facilities footprint.

Consider the case of Ball State University, which recently awarded a $1.4 million contract for renovation work at Muncie Community Schools' former Anthony Administration Building. The facility was built as Anthony Elementary School in 1958. In 1988, it became the school district's administrative headquarters. Ball State bought it in 2016 for $370,000 as part of the school district's downsizing and cost-cutting efforts, according to the Star Press.

The work at Anthony includes the installation of an automatic sprinkler system for the entire building, new rooftop HVAC equipment, and the interior renovation of 9,500 square feet of the 37,135-square-foot building, along with exterior screening elements and signs.

The university expects to complete construction by the end of the year, when the university's Office of Community Engagement will move into the building. The university also agreed to purchase Northside Middle School, located on 26 acres bordering the university, for $1.27 million.

This Quick Read was submitted by Ryan Berlin, managing editor of Facility Maintenance Decisions.


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