Natural Gas Pipeline Possible Cause of Chocolate Factory Explosion

Several employees told relatives they smelled gas prior to the deadly explosion.   April 5, 2023

By Greg Zimmerman, senior contributing editor

Investigators are eyeing a faulting natural gas pipeline line as the cause of the recent deadly chocolate factory explosion in West Reading. The explosion on March 24 killed seven people and sent 10 others to the hospital. 

Though nothing has yet been ruled out, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says the incident was a natural gas explosion and fire, according to NBC News.  

Survivors of the explosion reported smelling gas just prior to the explosion, though the natural gas utility UGI has no reports of gas leaks, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer

Food production factories are especially susceptible to fire and explosion due to flammable particles in the air, say experts. A chocolate factory would’ve probably been using powdered starch in its manufacturing process. After the initial explosion, a shock wave could’ve jarred starch dust loose from all over the factory, causing further explosions and fire, according to a business consultant and food scientist quoted in a WGAL8 story

Greg Zimmerman is senior contributing editor for and Building Operating Management magazine. 


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