
C-Difficile Dog Sniffs Out Infection

  July 25, 2016

By Cathryn Jakicic

Vancouver Coastal Health has introduced a furry new aid in the battle against C-Difficile, according to an article on the Radio Canada International website.

Angus, the C-Difficile dog, can sniff out infection.

“We recognize Angus is still young and building up his stamina, so we’re exploring several options for his deployment. He has been issued hospital ID, and we anticipate he will begin working this summer,” said Dr. Elizabeth Bryce, Regional Medical Director of Infection Control for Vancouver Coastal Health.

When Angus discovers an infection it will be treated with a UV light disinfecting robot that will remove 99 per cent of the C.diff spores.

Read the article.

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This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, Facilities.net




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