
Facility Maintenance Decisions Achievement Awards Recognize Maintenance and Engineering Departments

  June 20, 2017

By Ryan Berlin

Everybody likes a little recognition. Maintenance and engineering departments are no exception. They might need it more than any other department in institutional and commercial facilities, given the vital contributions they make combined with their relatively low profiles.

That's where the Facility Maintenance Decisions Achievement Awards come in. The Facility Maintenance Decisions Achievement Awards recognize the essential role maintenance and engineering departments play in the safe, sustainable and efficient operation of the nation's institutional and commercial facilities every day.

Established in 2010, the FMDAAs recognize and the important contributions maintenance and engineering departments make to their organizations. Entries from four areas of facility maintenance are considered for the awards: Retrofits and Renovations, Sustainability, Financial Management and Personnel Management.

The deadline for entries has been extended to June 30 and submissions can be entered here. Winners will receive their awards at the National Facilities Management & Technology (NFMT) Conference/Exposition in Orlando on Nov. 14-15

This Quick Read was submitted by Ryan Berlin, Managing Editor of Facility Maintenance Decisions, ryan.berlin@tradepressmedia.com. Read more about the Facility Maintenance Decisions Achievement Awards, and the 2016 winners.


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