
Is Clout the Right Goal for You?

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Get Heard When Decisions are Being MadePt. 2: Be Strategic and Save MoneyPt. 3: Learn How to Use Data and Make Allies Pt. 4: This Page

The idea of clout comes with overtones that leave some facility managers cold. But gaining clout isn't the only way you can position yourself to advance the facility agenda. Check out www.myfacilitiesnet.com for these discussions:

  • What Kind of Job Do You Want? You have to decide how much visibility you want.
  • Clout: Up Close and Personal. Not sure you want clout? Here are small steps that may help no matter how you define your place in the organization.
  • Good Books. Whether your goal is clout, influence, credibility or respect, you'll find guidance in this reading list recommended by others in facility management.

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  posted on 8/9/2010   Article Use Policy

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