
Dave Lubach: No Common Ground Among Managers for Outsourcing

By Dave Lubach, Associate Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Dan Hounsell: Less Paper, Big Benefits for Data CollectionPt. 2: This Page

Maintenance and engineering managers are anything but shy when it comes to outsourcing. Judging by select comments from more than 500 managers in institutional and commercial facilities that we surveyed on the topic, they also are anything but in agreement about their experiences with the practice.

On the drawbacks of outsourcing: “No benefit to our work staff, (and) no benefit to management other than looking like they saved some money.”

On the benefits: “They have performed better in most cases than our in-house staff.”

On its financial benefits: “I can’t afford to increase my work force, so outsourcing is a way for me to keep the ship afloat.”

On its financial drawbacks: “Companies are out to make money for themselves by hiring low-paid employees and charging for highly-qualified employees that are not.”

On its necessity: “It dovetails nicely with my in-house skills sets.”

On its non-necessity: “We have moved away from outsourcing due to high costs and low quality.”

Based on these comments and your own experiences, would you say most managers are satisfied with their outsourcing experiences? The answer might surprise you. Visit www.facilitiesnet.com/fmd to find out, and read more results from the survey. While you’re there, feel free to share your experiences.

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Dan Hounsell: Less Paper, Big Benefits for Data Collection

Dave Lubach: No Common Ground Among Managers for Outsourcing

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  posted on 6/19/2014   Article Use Policy

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