
Survey: Managers Tackle Growing Regulatory Compliance Challenges

Survey: Managers Tackle Growing Regulatory Compliance Challenges

By Dave Lubach, Associate Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: Managers Devote Significant Time to Regulatory CompliancePt. 3: Building Protection Compliance Consumes Most Managers' TimePt. 4: Environmental Compliance Climbs the Priority List for ManagersPt. 5: More Knowledge Means Greater Regulatory Compliance Success

As maintenance and engineering managers continue to face pressing daily challenges such as cost containment and staffing, regulatory compliance ranks high on their priority lists, and this emphasis only figures to increase over the next year, according to a new survey.

Managers responding to a Facility Maintenance Decisions survey on regulatory compliance offered their insights about the future of regulatory compliance and its impact on their departments.

For a review and analysis of the results, click on the next part of the article, and register to view premium copy on on facilitiesnet.com. Registration is free, and you only need to provide the requested information once. Managers also can post comments below the story.

It is no surprise that managers say compliance will become an even higher priority, says Jeffery Camplin, president of Camplin Environmental Services, which provides safety and environmental consulting to facilities. In fact, many managers probably deal with compliance more than they realize.

“This is really how (technicians) do their jobs,” says Camplin. “These guys are using ladders and lifts all the time for worker protection, the ventilation systems are operating, and you’ve got electrical issues and fire-protection issues that are continually ongoing.”

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  posted on 7/1/2015   Article Use Policy

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