
Ladder Safety Month Shines Spotlight on Training Employees

American Ladder Institute provides online training for technicians on safety, proper use.   February 16, 2023

By Dave Lubach, Managing Editor

The American Ladder Institute will again host National Ladder Safety Month in March to shine awareness on the importance of training employees on the safe use of ladders in the workplace. 

Ladders account for about 22,000 workplace injuries and hundreds of fatalities every year due to ladder misuse, according to a press release from the Institute. Facility managers can register their technicians for safety training courses at laddersafetytraining.org. Participants can select courses for specific ladders, watch the provided videos, and take a test following the lesson, upon which technicians receive a Ladder Safety Certificate after successful completion. 

In 2022, ladders in construction settings ranked fourth among the top 10 most frequently cited standard violations for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration with 2,143 citations. Falls, including from ladders, were among the top three causes of workplace related injuries in 2021 according to the National Safety Council. 

More than 522,000 people have successfully completed the ladder training courses since the testing site was launched, including more than 73,000 people in 2022. 

Dave Lubach is the managing editor of the Facilities Market. 


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