
Test Equipment Helps Develop Preventive Maintenance Programs

By James Piper, P.E.  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: IAQ Monitors Help Create Healthy Indoor EnvironmentsPt. 2: Temperature Monitors and Thermal Imagers Identify Hot SpotsPt. 3: Portable Equipment Detects Power Sags and SpikesPt. 4: This Page

Managers have a range of test equipment for motor testing from which to choose, depending on the application. Hand-held, infrared temperature sensors and thermal-imaging devices can help identify overheating bearings and loose electrical connections. Technicians also can use portable vibration analyzers to identify misaligned motor drives, loose couplings, and worn bearings.

Portable motor analyzers can perform a range of important tests. Technicians can upload data collected from the tests to a desktop computer, where they can store and use it to generate preventive- and predictive-maintenance reports. Then, they can combine results from successive tests to produce trending reports — a valuable indicator of motor condition and essential in projecting remaining service life.

Continue Reading: Diagnostic Technology: Take a Closer Look

IAQ Monitors Help Create Healthy Indoor Environments

Temperature Monitors and Thermal Imagers Identify Hot Spots

Portable Equipment Detects Power Sags and Spikes

Test Equipment Helps Develop Preventive Maintenance Programs

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  posted on 12/1/2008   Article Use Policy

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