Using CMMS Turns Infrared Imaging Into Savings

By Thomas A. Westerkamp  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Maintenance Departments Investing in Infrared TechnologyPt. 2: Infrared Cameras Uncover HVAC, Roofing IssuesPt. 3: Infrared Cameras Detect Dirty, Oxidized Electrical ConnectionsPt. 4: This PagePt. 5: Schedule Infrared-Imaging Routes for Effective Preventive MaintenancePt. 6: An Inside Look at Infrared Technology

Manufacturers and distributors of infrared instruments recognize not all situations warrant buying new equipment. They know markets might exist for both rental units and the resale of used or demonstration units at a significant cost savings to users. Many maintenance budgets will not allow for purchase of new equipment, even though the payback obviously exists.

For example, many maintenance managers have tried for years to get an infrared program started without success. But when a distributor offers a demonstration unit at a large discount, managers were able to present the new pricing to top management and receive approval to purchase.

Within months of receiving the equipment, departments have been able to avert a major problem, such as a bearing failure outage, because the infrared instrument detected impending failure.

Many managers also are using their computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to turn infrared imaging into bottom-line savings. They combine predictive maintenance with their preventive inspections as the foundation for achieving bottom-line results.

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  posted on 11/1/2008   Article Use Policy

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