
Organizations Promote their Energy Efficiency Efforts on Energy Efficiency Day 2017

  October 6, 2017

By Naomi Millán

October 5, 2017 marked the second annual Energy Efficiency Day. The campaign is a collaborative effort of regional and national organizations that promote energy efficiency, including ACEEE, Advanced Energy Economy, Natural Resources Defense Council, the Alliance to Save Energy, and the Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations.

Individuals and organizations are encouraged to participate by taking a light bulb challenge, among other energy efficiency actions. For an office to participate in the challenge, facility managers can submit a pledge to upgrade 10 conventional light bulbs to LEDs.

Other energy efficiency measures promoted include sealing leaks, using Energy Star-labeled devices, hiring a facilities energy manager, and benchmarking the property's performance with Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

Follow #EEDay2017 to see what organizations and jurisdictions did to celebrate.

This Quick Read was submitted by Naomi Millán, senior editor, Building Operating Management. For strategies on how to improve your facility's energy efficiency, go to https://www.facilitiesnet.com/energyefficiency/


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