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What is the EPA's National Building Competition?

In this video from NFMT 2011: Maura Beard, director of strategic communications with Energy Star Commercial and Industrial Buildings and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, describes the Energy Star National Building Competition.

Part 1: What is the EPAs National Building Competition?

Part 2: How to Streamline Lighting Retrofits

Part 3: The Role of Building Occupants in Saving Energy

Part 4: Does an HVAC Pre-Filter Improve Energy Efficiency?

Part 5: Sustainability Improvements Require Organizational Buy-In

Part 6: HVAC Retrofits Lower Energy Use, Reduce Hot-Cold Calls

Part 7: How to Partner with Vendors for Energy Savings

Find more on this topic:

epa, energy star, energy efficiency, energy intensity, utility costs, utilities

posted:  5/20/2011