
I2SL Focus on Training FMs How To Operate Sustainable Labs

I2SL Focus on Training FMs How To Operate Sustainable Labs

The organization is developing a four-part training program to give O&M expertise specific to green labs.

By Karen Kroll  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Sustainably Designed Labs Must Follow Through With Green OperationsPt. 2: To Procure Green Labs, Start With Product SelectionPt. 3: This Page

While many credible industry organizations provide training for facility management professionals, the Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) focuses on laboratories. “We solely look at labs and how to achieve the performance expected,” says Phil Wirdzek, executive director. The organization is developing a four-part training program:

1. A brief presentation designed to help executives understand why staff training for facility professionals working in labs is key. This takes an hour or two.

2. The next session is aimed at facility directors or directors of health and safety. The goal is help them understand the value in training operations and maintenance professionals. This takes about a half day

3. As a third step, operations and maintenance employees are brought in for one or two days of lectures and testing on laboratory operations and testing.

4. The final segment will last for two to three days, and provide hands-on experience for operations and maintenance personnel. For instance, they’ll work on a lab’s HVAC system to learn how it operates and should be maintained.

The goal is to distinguish operations and maintenance people that gain expertise in laboratory settings with higher compensation, Wirdzek says. “There’s a difference between a hotel and a lab,” he says. “It’s important to elevate these people.”

Continue Reading: Critical Facilities: Green Labs

Sustainably Designed Labs Must Follow Through With Green Operations

To Procure Green Labs, Start With Product Selection

I2SL Focus on Training FMs How To Operate Sustainable Labs

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  posted on 5/22/2017   Article Use Policy

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