
How Will The 2013 Portfolio Manager Update Affect Current Ratings

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Alternate Path To Energy Star for "Non-Traditional" BuildingsPt. 2: Most Common Facility Types Under Energy StarPt. 3: How To Avoid Common Energy Star ErrorsPt. 4: This Page

An updated version of Portfolio Manager is due out in mid 2013. As part of the upgrade, reference data used to compute site energy, source energy and emissions will be updated. Could this cause any facilities that have previously earned the Energy Star to lose that distinction? Will this more recent data make it more rigorous to become Energy Star certified?

 It's important to note that buildings never lose their Energy Star certification. The certification is awarded based on the building's performance at a point in time, and the certification includes the year in which it was awarded. Building owners and managers are encouraged to reapply for certification each year to demonstrate their continued top energy performance, but this recertification is not required. You will never have your certification taken away, but as it becomes older, it may mean less to those who see it.


Changes to the factors used to compute site and source energy, both of which contribute to the Energy Star score, always have the potential to affect building scores. Changes in these factors are typically very small, and therefore the resulting impact on scores will typically be very small, too.

Whenever a change in score occurs, it is possible that a building’s score could drop below 75, which is the minimum score required (out of a possible 100) to qualify for Energy Star certification. In this case, the building will not be able to apply, or re-apply, for Energy Star certification until they improve to a level of 75 or higher. 

Answers by Mike Zatz, Chief of the Market Sectors Group for Energy Star Commercial and Industrial Branch

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Alternate Path To Energy Star for "Non-Traditional" Buildings

Most Common Facility Types Under Energy Star

How To Avoid Common Energy Star Errors

How Will The 2013 Portfolio Manager Update Affect Current Ratings

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  posted on 11/5/2012   Article Use Policy

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