
How To Avoid Common Energy Star Errors

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Alternate Path To Energy Star for "Non-Traditional" BuildingsPt. 2: Most Common Facility Types Under Energy StarPt. 3: This PagePt. 4: How Will The 2013 Portfolio Manager Update Affect Current Ratings

Portfolio Manager requires accurate data entry. Are there common data entry mistakes users make they should be more mindful of in order to benefit more from Portfolio Manager?

Here are some tips to avoid the most common errors:

Enter all types of energy data: Sometimes people will enter their electricity consumption, but will forget to enter other types of energy. It is important to enter all types of energy. Don’t just enter electricity, but also enter any gas, oil, district steam, district hot water, propane, onsite solar or wind, and any other energy your building consumes to ensure accuracy.

Pay attention to units of measure: It is very important to pay attention to the unit of measure on your bill. Sometimes when people enter data too quickly, they may get this wrong. This problem is amplified because different utilities may use different symbols for the same unit. For example, both mBtu and kBtu are used in the industry to signify 1,000 Btu. Whenever we have a choice of units in Portfolio Manager, we spell this out to help with accurate data entry. 

Answers by Mike Zatz, Chief of the Market Sectors Group for Energy Star Commercial and Industrial Branch

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  posted on 11/5/2012   Article Use Policy

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