
Free Energy Design Guides Create Potentially Large Savings

A series of free publications on energy efficiency has potentially saved nine million tons of carbon dioxide and $600 million in energy costs.

A series of free publications on energy efficiency has potentially saved nine million tons of carbon dioxide and $600 million in energy costs.

The Advanced Energy Design Guide series has 100,000 copies now in circulation, with 88,000 downloaded since January. It includes publications on small retail and small office buildings, K-12 school buildings, and warehouses and self-storage units.  The books provide guidance on how to achieve 30 percent energy savings over building code minimum based on ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999.

Calculations show that if every guide downloaded resulted in a single building designed to save 30 percent beyond code minimum, the estimated energy and carbon savings would be 52 trillion btus and 9 million tons of carbon dioxide. With an average cost of electricity of 5 cents per kwh and gas at $7 per mmbtu, the estimated cost of energy savings is over $600 million.

Upcoming publications in the series include 30 percent guidance books for highway lodging, existing buildings and small health care facilities.

The guides are developed by ASHRAE, the American Institute of Architects, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and the U.S. Green Building Council, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy.

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  posted on 6/26/2008   Article Use Policy

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