
energy star

Enhancements to Portfolio Manager Focused on Metrics

The updates to Energy Star's Portfolio Manager help users sort information more easily. As well, EPA offers a wealth of learning opportunities via webinar.

By Jean Lupinacci  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Energy Star Enhancements for 2019Pt. 2: Energy Star for Tenants Leads to Huge Efficiency Pt. 3: This Page

The latest changes to Portfolio Manager are focused on allowing users to customize the graphs and metrics that the users see on the summary screens and dashboards, as well as being able to choose meaningful metrics to display based on the goals of the user’s energy program. For example, previously, the tool’s prominent display box highlighted either the 1-100 Energy Star score or EUI. Now users can choose from 15 other key performance metrics — such as energy cost, greenhouse gas emissions, and water use — to display depending on the user’s benchmarking goals. New graph options allow for similar flexibility and customization.

Additionally, Canadian distribution centers, warehouses, or self-storage facilities are now eligible to receive 1-100 Energy Star scores. 

Further enhancements 

Last year, Energy Star hosted more than 125 webinars that drew more than 7,600 attendees. For 2019, each month will feature the popular “Portfolio Manager 101, 201, and 301” sessions, where facility managers can learn tricks and tips for using Portfolio Manager at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level. Webinars will also be showcasing best practices from Energy Star partners each month, with different topics and industries that can be transferred to other organizations. Finally, Energy Star will continue hosting water-saving webinars in conjunction with another EPA program, WaterSense. As always, these webinars are free and open to everyone. Browse upcoming sessions and register, and sign up for the Energy Star mailing list at the bottom of this page to receive a monthly event calendar emailed on the last week of every month. 

Jean Lupinacci (lupinacci.jean@epa.gov) is chief, Energy Star Commercial and Industrial Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Energy Star Enhancements for 2019

Energy Star for Tenants Leads to Huge Efficiency

Enhancements to Portfolio Manager Focused on Metrics

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  posted on 6/20/2019   Article Use Policy

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