
Bill to Extend EPAct Tax Incentives Signed

President Bush has recently signed a bill to extend renewable energy tax credits first instituted by the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).

President Bush has recently signed a bill to extend renewable energy tax credits first instituted by the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).

The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 will increase the U.S.’s energy security by reducing the dependence on foreign oil, according to the White House. It will extend tax credits for investment in renewable electricity resources including wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. The act will also encourage the development of clean coal technology and renewable fuels like ethanol, and it will help promote new energy efficient technologies.

In addition to the renewable tax credit extensions, the act will extend tax relief for American families and small businesses. It will maintain tax reforms, expand the U.S.’s commitment to renewable energy resources, make it easier for Americans to afford health insurance, and help open markets overseas for farmers and small businesses, according to the White House.

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  posted on 1/5/2007   Article Use Policy

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