
Average Energy Savings from Retrocommissioning is 16 Percent

By Wayne Whitzell  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Retrocommissioning: Ongoing Challenges, New ApproachPt. 2: This PagePt. 3: A Closer Look at the Retrocommissioning Process

The average reduction in energy cost that results from a retrocommissioning project is 16 percent, with even higher returns in buildings that have 24/7 operating demands, according to a 2009 study of 643 buildings by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. The study also found that simple paybacks for retrocommissioning seldom exceeded one year and normally provided a year-on-year return of 91 percent or more. These results rank retrocommissioning as perhaps the most effective energy-efficiency tool managers can apply to an existing building.

Achieving the savings associated with retrocommissioning is the easy part. The difficulty begins when the retrocommissioning provider turns the project over to the operations and maintenance department. From that point forward, project energy savings begin to erode as the cycle of uptime at any cost begins anew. Any thoughts of creating truly sustaining energy-efficiency gains from the retrocommissioning project begin to vanish.

The process of supported retrocommissioning offers a clear alternative to the current building operations approach, and it provides an opportunity to end to the erosion problem that undermines most traditional retrocommissioning projects. Because supported retrocommissioning directly addresses the conflicting objectives common in most buildings, it puts an end to dysfunctional building operations.

The process provides: long-term, remote monitoring of retrocommissioning project outcomes; mentored and focused training at building management and building operator levels; strategic energy and environmental planning; and regular measurement and results reporting.

Continue Reading: Retrocommissioning

Retrocommissioning: Ongoing Challenges, New Approach

Average Energy Savings from Retrocommissioning is 16 Percent

A Closer Look at the Retrocommissioning Process

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  posted on 4/29/2013   Article Use Policy

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